Sunday, July 13, 2008

My own err - Nomial

Usage-By Me: My life is doing okay right now. Nothings really moving up or down, everything is just kind of nomial.

This is an incorrect usage!
What I was trying to say I've plateaued for the time being. I thought nomial was a transient state between two areas of activity.

Here's the challenge...
I cant find an in-depth definition of nomial, here is all I could find:

n. [Cf. Binomial.] (Alg.) A name or term. - 1913 edition of Webster's Dictionary
n. single term. - Hutchinson Encyclopedia

I believe I was thinking of the word "liminal." This psychological term has roots in states of being. I thought this word "nomial" so clearly meant what I was using it for (almost like when saying and thinking of a color) I actually may have been speaking of "liminality."

I am still left with two questions:
-Why did I think nomial was so appropriate?
-Being an acutal word, why are the defintions so concise, almost curt.

Arguments of words con only be done in Scrabble, so here now is a picture associated with Liminal:

submissive servant by limo r.

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