Source: "If a response is warranted, I think snail mail (usps) is the only viable option."
Main Entry:
French, from Middle French, from vie life, from Latin vita
circa 1832
1: capable of living; especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb
2: capable of growing or developing
3 a: capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately
b: capable of existence and development as an independent unit
c (1): having a reasonable chance of succeeding
(2): financially sustainable
— vi·a·bil·i·ty \ˌvī-ə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
— vi·a·bly \ˈvī-ə-blē\ adverb
"Security" by JulesAmeel
The Everly Brothers
The Everly Brothers, (Don Everly, born Isaac Donald Everly February 1, 1937, Brownie, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, Phil Everly, born Phillip Everly, January 19, 1939, Chicago, Illinois) are male siblings who were top-selling country-influenced rock and roll performers, best known for their steel-string guitar playing and close harmony singing. The Everlys are the most successful charting U.S. rock and roll duo on the Hot 100.
Best known for:
- All I Have to do is Dream (listen)
- Bye Bye Love (listen)
"The brothers were both competent guitarists, and used a simple style of harmony mostly based on parallel thirds. With this approach, each line can often stand on its own as a plausible melody line. This is in contrast to classic harmony lines which, while working well alongside the melody, would sound strange if heard by themselves...both The Beatles and The Beach Boys developed their early singing style by performing Everlys covers.
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